Virtual Teams for Systemic Change

Creating a new culture of collaboration.

Transition Network and Transition Hub are creating a new culture of collaboration, and virtual tools can help build relationships with each other through working together. It also enables us to use our collective intelligence to develop Transition by sharing ideas, hopes and aspirations. This has been made possible by the advent of faster internet speeds, faster computers and new software tools that enable us to work as virtual teams rather than having to work face to face. This means we can be more inclusive as we can connect with and learn from people all over the world. It is also great for the environment as we don’t have to get on a plane to work with others.

Transition Network and Transition Hubs use virtual working all the time in order to meet, consult, work on projects together and much more. They still try to meet face to face, as it helps them to build relationships and stay more connected. Transitioners all over the world are collaborating at a distance to plan events, translate articles and books, deliver projects and coordinate activities.

Complete Virtual Team Quick Guide that includes additional one-page handouts for Team Member, Facilitator and Team Guardian roles is available for download on Transition Network website.